Engine and Chassis manuals
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Author:  Stickman [ Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Engine and Chassis manuals

I had a local postie/junk mail deliverer stop in today when he noticed the 2 Belletts I had in the front yard.
He apparently has 2 workshop manuals (1 engine 1 chassis) which he's had for 30 odd yrs and asked if I was interested in them (for a price to be determined yet)
I haven't seen them yet so not sure what year (will have a look after work on mon or tue) but as I already have 1 or 2 already (tatty as they are) I told him that if they didn't suit me I would put the word out on the forum for him.

So if anyone one is in NEED of one let me know and I'll see what he wants for them.

Author:  oz_toffa [ Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine and Chassis manuals

i will put up my hand if no one else wants/needs them. they will go to a good home.

Thanks Sticky


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