They're still out there!
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Author:  Farmer [ Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  They're still out there!

Once again, Isuzus have found me, but not through me searching. Gary Carter was talking to the son of an old friend, who is n the U.S.
He told Gary that a Florian he knew of back in the day would still be in the shed where it was parked some years ago. He told him to contact another family member back here, which Gary did. Long story short, he told me, so I went for a drive......
IMG_20220903_104709.jpg [ 831.28 KiB | Viewed 22543 times ]

So a price was agreed, and a little while later I went back with a trailer. But Kev had to come with me, because lo and behold, it came with a bonus!
IMG_20230113_131358.jpg [ 1.69 MiB | Viewed 22543 times ]

Two from the one farm! How good is that??
IMG_20230113_180735.jpg [ 1 MiB | Viewed 22543 times ]

There's always room for one more! Or, two!
:D Matt.

Author:  Glenn [ Tue May 09, 2023 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: They're still out there!

Those Wasps are still buzzing around........


Author:  Farmer [ Thu May 25, 2023 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: They're still out there!

Both cars are now running and driving, the long hibernation no impediment.
Belletts! (And derivatives) They're tough!

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